Monthly Archives: April 2011

The View from Vancouver’s Granville Street Bridge, Plus Politics

The weather on this third Monday in April was sunny, chilly and blustery.
Even so, after a long day’s work on the Downtown Eastside, VanRamblings decided to walk the 11 kilometres home, through downtown Vancouver, over the Granville Street Bridge, through Kitsilano, and then home.
Of course, we were waylaid.
We stopped off at former City Councillor Tim Louis’ place (to talk about a website we’re creating for his upcoming COPE candidacy), and somehow found ourselves at David Eby’s NDP campaign launch for the May 11th by-election in Vancouver Point Grey, where David impressed (as always), and newly elected provincial NDP leader Adrian Dix gave a rousing speech — how wonderful to finally have a leader of the NDP who is passionate, informed and articulate about the issues!