Decision Canada: Barbarians At The Gate



A party that would repeal Canada’s recently revised hate law, thereby abolishing protection for minorities and members of the gay community; promote a free vote on abortion, so as to limit a woman’s determination over her own body; spend billions on a continental missile defence policy, and billions more on aircraft carriers and helicopters, turning Canada into a warring, rather than a peacekeeping, nation; interfere with the independence of the judiciary, implementing a reactionary, American-style litmus test for appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada; rescind Canada’s support of the Kyoto Accord on the environment; bring back the death penalty as the ultimate state retribution, placing Canada alongside the United States as the only other western nation to retain state-imposed capital punishment; remove government funding of the arts, and seek to destroy the CBC, Canada’s cherished public broadcaster; and, dramatically increase Canada’s long-term debt and restore a Mulroney-style massive annual deficit … because implementation of their reactionary ideological agenda trumps the notion of the creation of a financially bankruptcy Canada, and our country’s future ability to provide health care, social programmes, education and a debt-free Canada for our children, and our children’s children …
The Conservative Party, under Stephen Harper, would return us to a 1950s Canada, a time of societal intolerance and hypocritical, government-imposed morality, a Canada of more government not less government, a Canada that very few Canadians would knowingly support were they aware of the full implications of the Conservatives’ Demand Better document.
The barbarians are, indeed, at the gate.
Now is the time for all Canadians to reflect on the Canada they want for themselves, for their children, for their neighbours and for their community. Democracy is more than getting rid of the bastards who’ve been in power for more than a decade; democracy is keeping yourself well informed of the issues, and casting your vote accordingly.
For insight into Stephen Harper’s policies, as well as important 2004 federal election news events, click on VanRamblings’ full Decision Canada coverage.