Liberal & NDP Supporters Ready To Commit Hari Kari

In spite of one bizarro announcement after the other, in spite of the Conservative’s health critic calling for mandatory abortion counselling for women, an Ontario Tory candidate calling for the re-instatement of the death penalty, Conservative leader Stephen Harper’s statement that his government would pull the debate about same-sex marriage from the Supreme Court and back into Parliament for a free vote, and in spite of the announcement of an Ontario Conservative MP yesterday stating that her party would repeal Canada’s hate law, those damnable, ne’er-do-well, rag-tag bunch of reactionary wackos — better know to most Canadians as the ‘new’ Conservatives — have taken the lead in preference, among Canadians, for government, as sorrowfully reflected in the latest SES poll.


Election tracking: CPAC-SES Poll, June 7, 2004.

Nothing like playing to the lowest common denominator, and appealing to the anger and baser instincts of Canadians to promote the interests of your party. Read the polling chart above, and weep.
For insight into Stephen Harper’s policies, as well as important 2004 federal election news events, click on VanRamblings’ full Decision Canada coverage.

1 thought on “Liberal & NDP Supporters Ready To Commit Hari Kari

  1. Still I found it comforting today to hear on the CBC (which I’m sure the racists, er Reform, dang Alliance no make that Conservative Party will finally deal the death knell to if they make a majority government) that the mayors of Canada’s major metropolitan cities are warning their residents to NOT vote for the aforementioned party that keeps changing its name to hide its agenda.

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