VIFF2015: Cinema of Despair To Come to a Close in Mere Hours

VIFF 2015 comes to a close on Friday, October 9th

Yes, it’s the final day for the 2015 Vancouver International Film Festival films at Cineplex’s International Village, and Friday is the last day of VIFF 2015 — we’re verklempt (but, secretly, we’re kind of glad, cuz we’ve got a scratchy throat, which for us is always a precursor to a cold or the flu) — except, of course, for the VIFF Repeats, which begin at 11:45am Saturday.
The above said, there are a great many films which will screen today and tomorrow that are worthwhile, or must-sees — you’re simply going to have to take our word for it. The absolute must-see, change your schedule film:

Sparrows, screening at 2:30pm at the Vancity Theatre is, by far, the BEST film screening today; yes, it’ll be difficult to fit in other films, but no other film is as great and important and memorable and worthwhile as Sparrows, a knock you on your ass film. 2:30pm, Vancity Theatre — be there.
Otherwise, if you haven’t caught Albert Maysles’ final film, In Transit (by far the BEST documentary at VIFF 2015), you’ll want to make darn sure you catch the final screening of the year’s best documentary at 2pm, Cineplex International Village, Cinema 10. Now, it’s true — you can’t fit in In Transit and Sparrows, cuz they’re screening at competing times. If documentaries are your cup of tea, In Transit is for you, if knock you on your ass, world-class filmmaking is your cuppa, it’ll be Sparrows you want to see.
On Friday, the very, very last day, it’ll be gone forever, there’ll be no more VIFF 2015, you’se either gotta see ’em now, or … well, you know …
James White is the keeper on Friday, screening at SFU Woodwards at 1:30pm. Accused is the second must-see the last day of VIFF 2015, screening at 6pm at The Cinematheque.

Friday, if you fail to take in the 9pm screening, at The Playhouse, of I Saw The Light, well, you’re just plum loco, yer jes out of yer cotton pickin’ mind. I mean, why wouldn’t you want to go out on a high note at VIFF 2015?
Hank freakin’ Williams — Mr. Despair himself (and isn’t that what our film festival is all about, the cinema of despair? … yer darn tootin’ it is), and Mr. Despair is paired with the dishiest dish in Hollywood (and she’s durn talented, too, that …) Elizabeth Olsen, and she could very well pick up a Best Supporting Actress Oscar on Sunday night, February 28, 2016, too.
Believe you me, if you ain’t at The Playhouse on Friday night to see I Saw The Light, you’re just gonna be singin’ those lovesick blues til the cows come home — and you wouldn’t want that to happen, would ya?

Vote for your favourite VIFF film using VIFF's smartphone app

There’ll be no coverage of VIFF on Friday, cuz we need a break (and then there’s that scratchy throat thing-a-ma-jiggy).
On Saturday, you will find the list of winners that were announced at VIFF 2015’s Closing Gala, at The Centre for the Performing Arts. At some point next week — in the midst of what will be daily coverage of Canada’s 42nd national election — we’ll publish a column on the audience favourites, as tabulated through your votes on the VIFF app, or on those sweet cards that VIFF volunteers were handing out.
We will likely publish a column reflecting on VIFF 2015, prob’ly next week.